

Here are some utilities I wrote, some of them primarily for myself. If you find use out of any, feel free to let me know!

  • twitter-video-saver - Adds a "Save Video" context menu option to Twitter videos.
  • White Page - Just a blank white page.
  • flspy - Sorts all URLs found in the given input files into the relevant domain group files.


I'm a full-stack developer with professional experience using JavaScript (Angular, React) and C#, with additional hobby experience using Go, Python, and Lua. I've recently started falling in love with Go again.

I prefer to work on the back end when I can, but it feels really satisfying being able to build APIs and front ends to interact with them. Related to that - I write userscripts sometimes!

For all of the side projects I work on, they can be found on my GitHub, and anything I feel is worth sharing or might be useful to others can be found in the Utilites tab on the left.

I like watching anime from time to time! I have details on my favorites and recent watches on my MyAnimeList. Senko Singing

I can be reached fastest through Discord @ vanyilla or my email.
